Video Resume - 7 Reasons

Should you have a video résumé?

In case you are hesitating, wondering whether or not you should have a video resume, here’s a list of 7 reasons why every serious job seeker should have one. 

Laptop & Camera

1. First and most important: you will stand out. Which is the very reason why you’re making it to begin with. You want a job, in order to get it you must be better, or at least more visible than the competition. By having a video résumé you already outflanked 80% of the candidates.


2. It allows employers to get to know you. They know that if they hire you, you will become a part of their lives. They will spend time with you, share good moments as well as difficult ones. They need to know that you are not only a good professional, but also a nice person. What better opportunity than to already see and hear you in a video résumé?


3. It has the potential to deliver way more information than a paper one. You already know that an image is worth a thousand words, imagine 25 of them per second. It seems that more than 70 percent of all communication is nonverbal. That simply does not exist on paper.

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4. If done right, it will be watched entirely. People have lost the ability to stay focused for extended periods of time. Especially when receiving a large number of applications, paper resumes are usually not read entirely, as employers move to the next one after only a couple of lines. A good video résumé instead, has the power to keep your employer hooked until the end.


5. It is a first step towards an interview. When making a short list of candidates to invite over for an interview, you will be a natural choice, because the employer is already familiar with you, they already have the feeling of knowing you.


6. You will be remembered. If you manage to somehow trigger an emotion, at the end of the day, chances are, they will still be talking about you, and the impression that you made, maybe even send your video résumé to friends and other companies. Suddenly, your chances of finding a job grow exponentially.

Camera Filming

7. If you are uncomfortable or nervous when presenting yourself in front of people, as in an interview situation, you can show a confident and relaxed version of yourself in the video résumé, because for the recording, you will be alone. 

Now if you’re still hesitating, I have an entire course dedicated to the production of a video resume, available on Udemy

Good luck with your job hunt and be future proof!